photoshoot planning

Planning your Personal Branding Photoshoot

In today's world, personal branding is more crucial than ever before. With much of business taking place on social media, you need to stand out from the crowd and showcase your love for what you do. That's where our branding shoots come in.

But how can you approach it confidently and come out with photos that represent yourself and your business the best way possible? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Think about what you love doing and how you love doing it, and how you might bring this out visually in the shoot- don’t be afraid to ask your fellow creatives for tips too!

  • Wear something that's relevant, appropriate, and comfortable.

  • If your business involves culinary arts and food, invest in good-quality and aesthetic dinnerware and utensils that can be used not only during the shoot but also in future posts that you curate yourself.

  • Make sure the location has the space you need, whether that space is a personal gym, kitchen, or pool.

  • Show off your personality, such as your favorite colors, where you usually work on your laptop, whether you're a morning person, and whether you like the outdoors, the potential is endless!

  • Showcase what you're capable of, don’t be afraid to show off the best of your abilities

  • Involve your business partners.

At Life Portraits, we've conducted branding shoots for a range of excellent customers.