Matts' remarkable 20kg weight loss! Celebrating his improved body with a photoshoot

Matt made a goal for himself some time ago to change his life, his health and his mindset. He wrote down his goals, made a promise to himself to only make changes in the mirror but also creating healthy life habits. 

Now 20kg down from his heaviest, he is living a healthier life and happy with the skin he's in. I am so inspired by these stories and being a part of this journey in capturing this unforgettable moment was an honour. 

Matt had never been photographed like this before and blew me away with his enthusiasm and the final result of our shoot. As a fitness photographer, I try to teach my followers that getting a fitness photoshoot isn't just when you're competition ready, it could be a celebration of a weight loss milestone in clothing that you're comfortable in and showing the new you. It's not always about abs and muscles, but also about showing off a happy new you! 

Check out the amazing result of our photoshoot below. If you're interested in a fitness photoshoot or boudoir see our work here: