The Must-Visit Beauty of Tenterfield, NSW... Brisbane Fitness, Family & Wedding Photographers

Tenterfield is a breathtaking regional town in New South Wales, just 3 hours from Brisbane. This little town has become my second home since my partner Corey started working out there on an engineering job.

The town has so much history, beautiful sites to see, national parks, the scenery is to die for! I sometimes spend my weekdays there when I don’t have photoshoots, so I can focus on the business in a lovely environment. My early morning consist of ‘rugging up’ (yes, it gets very cold here) and going out for a morning walk to see what stunning scenes I can find.

I wrote a blog about my experience here and in the Granite Belt with their wineries and national parks HERE and the beautiful White Cottage Flower Farm HERE.

See my visual journey of Tenterfield below.

Check out more on the town at Tenterfield Tourism

Em x