brisbane lifestyle photography



With Cyclone Oma causing havoc up and down the Southern Queensland coast this weekend there seemed no better time for my son and I to have a father and son weekend combining our love of surfing and of cameras.

Now when it comes to photography I’m pretty confident saying I know my stuff but when it comes to surfing, while I love both doing it and watching it, I have to be honest and say I’m pretty hopeless at it.

My little boy on the other hand is still learning his camera work but loves his surfing and after only a couple of lessons can go off and catch a wave and unlike his dad actually stay standing riding it to the end.

All that said the set after set of bumper waves crashing up and down the Gold and Sunshine Coasts were well beyond anything we could even pretend to go out in so we decided to stay on dry land, break out the cameras and have a great father and son weekend watching and capturing the action by surfers we can only dream about ever being as good as.

And what a pleasure it was to watch those men and women out among terrifyingly large crashing waves. Saturday was the most dramatic down at Kirra Point and Snapper Rocks on the Gold Coast and then Sunday a quieter session up at the Spit at Noosa.

Though while I must say the surfing was impressive, and it is always fantastic to photograph people in their element, what was more impressive to me was my little boy using a big telephoto lens for the first time and shooting fast sports for the first time and nailing some absolutely amazing shots.

No random firing of the camera for him, but careful framing and timing his shots for the best drama. He has owned and been using cameras since he was three. Now at 11 he is becoming a really accomplished young photographer.

As a father there is no greater thing than sharing two of your favourite things with your child and also watching them develop realising with pride that they will, without doubt, one day surpass you at both of them.

So here are my pics….. and my son’s follow below…

And here are a small number of Jack’s….

Brisbane Fitness, Family & Wedding Photography | Brisbane Photography Training

The Things We Do And The People We Meet - Thanks To Our Cameras!

God I love my job…. Does it make you cringe when people say that? Well cringe away because I love my job :)

Yes there are good days and bad days, great jobs and challenges, laughter and tears of frustration…. but whether it is commercial or consumer photoshoots or running training workshops to professional and amateur photographers, there is one constant that makes my job so exciting and fascinating. The people we meet and the experiences we have as a result.

Last weekend Emily and I travelled back to Clermont to do a series of photographic workshops for Artslink, supported by the Regional Arts Development Fund. It was (as always) great fun with a great bunch of people.

But it also gave me the chance to catch up with someone who started out as an attendee at a few of our workshops and has become a friend, Julie Turner. As well as working on her family cattle farm and breeding Kelpies as working dogs, Julie of Clermont Kelpies is a great photographer and I’ve admired the shots she takes of her working dogs for some time.

So it was with quite a bit of excitement that I got to go and spend a few spare hours in the afternoon out on her family's farm and was rewarded with the remarkabe experience of watching her working Kelpies in action rounding up the cattle and bringing them in to their yards.

I couldn’t resist firing off some shots as we bounced our way across the countryside in her ATV as the dogs leaped in and out of the back as they answered her commands and brought the cattle into line.

A great experience with a wonderful family who I would never have met if it werent for my work as a photographer.

Did I mention that I love my Job :)
