nude modelling

How to Achieve Beautiful, Tasteful & Elegant Nude Photography

A nude photoshoot can be an intimidating experience for many people. Here at LP, we understand that and want to make your nude photography experience comfortable and enjoyable. Em and Andy have photographed clients who want to build their confidence, tick a nude photoshoot off their bucket list, create photos for their partner, or simply capture the perfect shot. LP Admin & socials employee, Colly, has posed for a number of nude concepts throughout her decade long freelance modelling career.

Here are some things we've all learned along the way:

  • Implied style: You don't have to show everything just because it's there! The implied style is an elegant way to photograph nudity without showing anything private. A simple shawl or a well-orchestrated pose can achieve this look

  • Lighting: Lighting is key to any photoshoot, but especially in nude photography, as most of the time you will be shooting this style indoors. Experiment with different lighting angles to highlight or obscure different parts of the body

  • Black and white: When in doubt, black and white photos are classic, tasteful and timeless

  • Get creative: Try using flour, a smoke machine, or even honey to add a unique touch to your photoshoot

  • Use furniture and props: Adding furniture and props can create interesting and dynamic photos, and give the client something familiar to work with

  • Encourage creativity: Don't be afraid to try poses that don’t work clothed! In nude work, new lines of the body are revealed, and you’d be surprised how well they work

At LP, we believe that nude photography is a beautiful art form that can capture the natural beauty and vulnerability of the human form. Our team will always ensure that our clients feel comfortable and respected during their photoshoot.